Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Please read Queen Isabelle's account of her visit to our house. Amelia wrote a glowing account of the visit also, but HERS is a bit de trop, if you know what I mean. SHE praises us far too much. Izzie's account is more realistic. A tidbit to entice you to read the entire post:

The next day I got bacon for breakfast and not only that I got the bacon fat poured on my kibble. Boy did that taste really good. Grandpere is a good cook. SHE and Grandmere went to church and I stayed home with Grandpere, who was really nice to me.

Do read HER account, also.

It was so much fun to meet the esteemed doyen of bloggers, Grandmere Mimi and her very dear husband Grandpere.

See what I mean about over-the-top?

What can I say? I'm kinda, sorta lovin' it.


  1. You are the best, Mimi, even if you are a "raving revisionist troll." In fact, that's what makes you so lovable!

  2. No, Whiteycat, you are the best for thinking of me as a lovable "raving revisionist troll".

  3. You're my favourite raving revisionist troll, in fact, I could be tempted to want to put you on my pillow and hug you before I go to sleep.

    And I loved both Mother Amelia's and Izzie's accounts of their visit!

  4. Erika, thanks. However, I am compelled to ask how many raving revisionist trolls you know?

    Izzie is a doggie wonder. SHE is pretty nice, too.

  5. Mimi - you meet everyone!! And now you have them coming to your door!!

    I would love to show up one day!!

    Sounds like a fun visit.


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