Thursday, February 4, 2010


When the sun rose in the valley of Megiddo and shone off of the gleaming spears of the Egyptian army of Thutmosis II (at the first recorded battle in human history) the King of Kadesh and his assembled Canaanite allies looked at each other and said....

When the South Wales Borderers of the British army of Lord Chelmsford heard the thunder of the assegais pounding on the buffalo hide shields of the approaching Zulu impis below Isandalwanna they said...

When the Germans in the trenches at Ypres in 1916 heard a strange rumbling and clanking coming from over no-mans-land they looked out from over the tops of their trenches and thought....

Custer and the Seventh....well, you know....


Having more fun than the law should allow ;-)

The silliness continues. Don't blame me. Blame my Florida (not Miami) friend.


  1. Love that Times article. I think the only one that got it right was the first guy. Who Daaaaaat? Right, Mimi?

  2. Susan,I'd give them ALL a high five. How delightful of the Times to make the video.

  3. Thanks Tracie. Cheer them on.

    As I've said before, the game is about much more than football. It's about the sense that we were kicked in the teeth by the leadership of the country and by a good many of our fellow citizens after Katrina and the federal flood, and winning the Superbowl will be our revenge and a much-needed boost to our collective egos.


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