Thursday, February 4, 2010


Click on over to the site of the Times Online to read the article and watch the video of the Brits who support the Who Dat Nation against the NFL.

Thanks to my Florida (not Miami) friend.

1 comment:

  1. Three funniest comments to the Times article:

    Mr. XXXXX has some nerve commenting on the time it takes to play football.
    I could raise a family and send them to college by the time your cricket match is completed!


    the NFL is a fantastic sport and it a hell of a lot more interesting than watching 12 pansies running about on a field falling over when a gust of wind blow by them.


    Just a shame they cannot speak correctly, still no suprise, but the sad truth is that this lack of ability to speak correctly is infecting the UK!

    And only just now! Suprise! The writer does not know how to spell surprise.

    Most brilliant comment:

    I don't follow football, and I'm cheering for the Saints. The Superbowl game is about much more than football. It's about the sense that folks in New Orleans and south Louisiana were kicked in the teeth by the leadership of the USA and by a good many of our fellow citizens after Hurricane Katrina and the federal flood, and winning the Superbowl will be our revenge and a much-needed boost to our collective egos.

    An old lady from south Louisiana.


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