Sunday, February 21, 2010

"I lose heart"

Rmj at Adventus, in his post titled "There are no atheists in foxholes....", quotes from a soon-to-be-released novel about the Vietnam War. A character in the novel, Cortell, states one of the finest descriptions of faith that I have read or heard - at least of my kind of faith. There it is. In a novel. About Vietnam.


  1. Funny you should mention "There it is." It's the phrase used by the Marines in the novel every time they have to acknowledge something they can't change, such as their position as soldiers, as tools meant to fight in war, and meant to be killed, if that's what it takes.

    It's used as a recognition and resignation to the harshness of reality. And of duty, and doing what needs to be done, regardless of circumstances.

  2. Robert, I wanted to quote the entire excerpt, but since you found the quote, I thought the words should debut, at least for the day, at your blog. I will use the quote one day, because of the powerful effect of the words on me. My jaw dropped, literally.

    As for "There it is," I felt a frisson when I read your words. Sometimes the connections are too much for me.

  3. It is painful, and hopeful at the same moment. It's also a good description of my faith as well.

  4. Really good. I will go back and read it again tomorrow to let it sink in some more.

  5. I've read the words countless times already. I'm thankful that you share my sense of wonder at the power that lies within them.


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