Thursday, March 25, 2010


Now back to the House of Representatives for another vote, where Nancy Pelosi will steer the bill through to President Obama's desk.

From the New York Times:

After running through an obstacle course of Republican amendments and procedural objections, the Senate on Thursday afternoon approved of a package of changes to the Democrats’ sweeping health care overhaul, capping a bitter partisan battle over the most far-reaching social legislation in nearly half a century.

President Obama spoke about health insurance reform in Iowa City on Thursday.
Republicans, raising procedural challenges, identified flaws that struck out minor provisions to the bill. Because of those changes, it now goes back to the House for one more vote, though passage seemed virtually assured.

Democrats said they were confident the measure would soon be on President Obama’s desk for his signature.

The vote, just after 2 p.m., was 56 to 43, with the Republicans unanimously opposed. Senators cast their votes standing individually at their desks, a ceremonial gesture reserved for historic occasions. Three Democrats opposed the measure, Senators Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor of Arkansas and Ben Nelson of Nebraska.

Count me relieved. I'll be even more relieved when the president signs the bill into law. Mary Landrieu voted yes. She said she would if the bill did not include the public option.

UPDATE: And the health care bill passes in the House!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh, now I see. Note to self. . . read all the post before commenting!!

  3. Susan, yes. I was just writing my comment to you, which is now unnecessary. I've made mistakes quite often by commenting without reading the linked material.

  4. Well, the house passed it, again!!!

  5. Susan, thanks for the info. I was on the phone in a long conversation with a friend with whom I have not spoken in a long time.

  6. I notice that the sun is up this morning.

    I do not see Armageddon or falling skies. I don't see black helicopters, or any mass roundups of Republicans. I don't see any Canadian-style gulags and liberal-socialist re-education camps opening to accommodate them. I don't see any phalanx of gestapo coming down the street to arrest masses of brave Americans resisting tyranny be refusing to be insured.

    All I see out my window is the neighbors' tulip magnolia starting to bloom.

  7. Good heavens, Counterlight! It looks just like an ordinary day here, too.

    It's interesting to follow the path of the blooming of the magnolias from South to North. Our tree bloomed weeks ago, and now is full of new leaves. And they go right on blooming and putting out leaves as though the health care bill had never passed.


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