Thursday, March 25, 2010



Click on the image for the larger view.

Don't blame me. Blame Doug, if the image is a page out of a book from 1890, instead of 1950.


  1. Yes - there it is -- I am confused tho-- what is the date of the writing?

    WV = submis


  2. Oh, I thought it was a recent publication by the Schismatics in the Anglican Communion - I mean, it does show those uppity wimmin what their real purpose in life is, you know.

    In seriousness, it's hard to believe the western world actually believed all that rot.

  3. I hope that Grandpère never suggests congress, because I just won't do it.

  4. Me neither, Mimi, especially after what has gone on in Congress for the last week. . .

  5. Next time I'm in India I will check out what congress might be. Some kind of kinky-Ghandi-Loincloth routine?

    I love the idea of applying your night face, too. I imagine something like the Joker in Batman would do nicely...

    Perhaps the whole ting is some ghastly double entente, and it's actually code for all kinds of naughty stuff?

  6. I'm really not surprised the lady in the picture is looking so grumpy. So would I.

    Mimi and Susan - maybe a request for Congress means hubby wants a dull and circuitous debate on nothing in particular that goes on for years and achieves very little? I could manage that, I think.

    I love Bishop Alan's Joker suggestion and am going to keep it in mind for future reference.

  7. First glance, I supposed it was a Diocese of Wenchoster thing.

    Re English sex, and remembering E Kaeton's recent "it is always 1950 in London" comment, when I was at University in the mid 60's, a nearby ladies' teacher training college had a requirement that any student entertaining a gentleman friend in her room - visiting hours, Sunday, 2:00 - 5:00, of course - had to wheel her bed into the corridor for the duration of the visit.

  8. Let me just suggest that the "be obedient and uncomplaining" just won't do when hubby is looking for a dom.

    But maybe in England that wouldn't qualify as a "more unusual practice".

  9. And I refuse to comment on "your tired husband does not want to queue for the bathroom, as he would have to do for his train."

    wv = buglyre
    (a cricket's wing)

  10. This makes me glad to be a lesbian.

  11. Love this thread! Yes, Cathy, you might just have it right!

  12. If that's what it took, Lindy, I'm sure we're all happy to oblige.

  13. Oh my! What a wonderful thread,

    Bishop Alan, please check out "congress" for us next time you're in India. I hesitated before I posted the page, because I know how clever the Brits are at slipping naughtiness past gullible Americans.

    Very good, TheMe. A+ for your link.

    Lindy, I've heard that lesbians can be even more demanding than husbands. Of course, I could be wrong!

  14. Lapin - I do like the fact that the ladies' teacher training college really thought removing the bed would be the only safeguard needed. Such innocence!

  15. Lapin, I meant to ask if the teachers college policy also called for open doors during visitation. Without that, moving the bed out of the room wouldn't have counted for much.

  16. The Dean of Students at my college (in the '60s) had tea with all the women students (we were called girls then) and told us not to wear patent leather shoes on dates as the boys would see up our dress!! True - I was there when she said it. Our area of the country did not enter the 60s until later than most. Our Dean married late in life and from all accounts did not need her patent leather shoes!!

  17. Ann, was your dean a Roman Catholic? I thought the ban on patent leather shoes was only for chaste RC girls.

  18. I believe the door could be closed, Mimi. As Cathy says, "such innocence". Quite a status symbol, actually - "Her bed's ALWAYS in the corridor!!.

  19. Ann, did you go to Tennessee Tech? Our dean met your description to a T.

  20. I remember reading somewhere that the present Bishop of Lichfield took a post-graduate diploma at the college (Alsager, in Cheshire), just a few years later, by which time it was co-ed. Maybe Bishop Alan would check if he ever had problems with the bed rule.

  21. Other end of the country - Lewis and Clark in Portland OR

  22. Oh, how funny. I can see that one's dorm mates could gauge one's popularity by how often one's bed would be in the corridor.

    It seems to me that it would have been easier all around to leave the bed in place but demand open doors, which was done over here, once visitations by the opposite sex were permitted, unless the authorities in England wanted to give the girls a little leeway for mild cuddling, which they were sure that was all that was going on with the bed in the corridor.

  23. British Society was at a cross-roads in the mid-60's, Mimi - one which saw greater and more lasting changes than happened in the US, where the issue was more politicized - the Vietnam War protests and religion, among other reasons. The UK Swinging Sixties didn't happen overnight and the old gate-keepers were sometimes slow to relinquish their power. By the early 70's most of this sort of thing would have gone.

    Making the ladies leave their doors open would have violated the "home is his castle" principal and would have showed a distressing lack of trust, now, wouldn't it?

  24. Making the ladies leave their doors open would have violated the "home is his castle" principal and would have showed a distressing lack of trust, now, wouldn't it?

    Since open doors were the rule when visits from persons of the opposite were first permitted in dorm rooms, I suppose that showed a distressing lack of trust here in the US.


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