Monday, March 8, 2010


The following quote is from a satire at the The Daily Mash, which is almost too close to the "Love the sinner; hate the sin" mindset of certain Christians to be funny, but the piece hits the target.

CHURCH of England vicars will bless gay couples as long as they are allowed to quote Bible passages about them being abominations who must be put to death.

As the House of Lords voted to allow same-sex church ceremonies, vicars said they would extend a 'warm Christian welcome to the evil doers and their perverted bedtime acrobatics'.

Rev Denys Hatton, vicar of St Gary's in Folkham, said: "I am more than happy to perform a gay blessing as long as I am allowed to pick the reading. And since you ask, I would kick things off with a spot of Corinthians, where St Paul makes it abundantly clear that homosexuals are 'unrighteous'.

"Then I'd crank it up with a quote from Romans where St Paul describes them as 'degrading', 'depraved' and 'indecent'."

Read the rest at the Mash.

Thanks to Lapin for the link.


  1. Don't know whether to laugh or to cry, do you?

  2. If I had a priest like that for my Wedding I'd start the service by handing him a prettily wrapped bag of stones.
    Depending on the congregation, they might all find a handful in their pews too.

  3. Designer rocks to match the wedding theme or decor, Erika?

  4. What an excellent idea, Lapin! Help me design them? I'm thinking sparkly pink bag but need help with the design for the rocks.

  5. I volunteer to do the eulogy at Rev. Hatton's funeral when he dies.

  6. I winced. It's too painful even though it's supposed to be funny,

  7. The English bite harder in their satire, or so it seems to me.

  8. The Red Riding Trilogy dvds arrived yesterday, Mimi. I've been so long in the US that I'm having difficulty with the accents! No subtitles!

  9. Lapin, LOL! Let us know what you think of the trilogy after you work out the accents.

    I ordered the DVDs of "Brideshead Revisited", since my videos of the series were wearing out, and I have difficulty understanding them. The English subtitles are there, but I can't get them to show. Some incompatibility with the format and my DVD player, I suppose.

  10. Brideshead Revisited - they don't make 'em like that any more. Watching it is like slowly drinking a big huge jug of cream. Possibly laced with something alcoholic.

  11. Cathy, BR is one of my favorite books and one of my favorite series. The series brought the book beautifully to life.

  12. Hi Mimi - yes I think it's fabulous too, but nothing so leisurely, with such huge slabs of narration, would ever get made today, don't you think?

  13. What place do curses have at a blessing of marriage? For certainly that is what Fr Hatton proposes; to curse the couple being wed. There is absolutely NOTHING humorous about Fr Hatton's statements; he is simply a hatemonger. Dead common, him. Which begs the question, why does he lay claim to the honorific "Father" when he has such hatred in his heart and on his lips?
    Cheryl A. Mack

  14. Cathy, we will not see the likes of a series such as BR again.

    NC Mama, there is no Fr Hatton. The piece is satire.

  15. Mimi
    we have a new TV show here, where political pundits and newspaper columnists etc are kept away from all news for a week and then go on a show where they are given a selection of the week's news. They have to decide which news item is real and which is spoof.

    This one here may be satire but I can think of at least one priest haunting the blogsphere who would probably be like that for real.

    I think we're getting to the stage where items like this need to have a "satire alert" and "real story alert" label!

  16. Erika, in the first line of the post, I say the quote is from a satire.

  17. As a matter of scriptural accuracy, let us not forget that Our Lord issued no directive on the casting of the second and subsequent stones.


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