Monday, April 26, 2010


Did you know that this week is Older Americans' Mental Health Week? Well, it is.

My niece sent me what follows, which demonstrates that I don't get no respect, not even in my own family.



Niecy, you got this wrong. It's Older Americans' Mental Health Week, so don't pretend this is a "We're all in this together" post, because I know it's directed solely at me.





So. What do I make of this? Should I take revenge, and if so, what form do you suggest that the revenge take?

Not a word of this post refers to my readers, nevertheless, if the shoe fits....


  1. Well, personally I've never licked a window.

    I say, don't take revenge, even if it's sweet. You know how addictive those sweets are.

  2. Susan, I loved the email. I was to pass it on to 3 people, but I have a few more readers than 3, so I did my part and more. My niece is a doll, and I would never take revenge on her.

  3. If it were me, I'd send her flowers for the good laugh! :-)

  4. Well, Mimi, you did ask about revenge, so I gave you my advice. Older women can't resist giving advice, you know!

  5. Hi Rachael. Welcome. I thought you may be from Louisiana from your blog name. The pelican is our state bird, you know. Welcome, anyway, even if you're from Seattle. It's good of you to visit and leave a word.

    Susan, I was only kidding about the revenge, because my niece can prolly beat me up in the event that a controversy develops, and we get physical, so I would want to avoid that.

  6. Never mind revenge, I think the message is rather sweet!

  7. I think the best revenge would be to cook something wonderful, make her beg for the recipe, and never give it to her....


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