Sunday, April 25, 2010


From Arkansas Hillbilly:

Could you please add the family of Kathy Berg to your prayer list? She was a member of All Saints and died in a car accident today. She leaves behind a partner and teenage daughter.

May Kathy rest in peace and rise in glory.

May God give comfort, consolation, and the peace that passes understanding to all those who love Kathy.


  1. Will do, and gladly.

  2. Prayers ascending. It must also be a shock for all the people at All Saints so prayers for all of you as well.

  3. Unexpected losses, so shocking and difficult for loved ones...prayers for all family and friends.

  4. Thank you all. We visited with Philine and her daugther last night. I was appaled by the way the hospital kept Philine in the dark until a friend who is a nursing supervisor and Kathy's family told them to talk to her for everything. That really hacked me off. But they both are doing as well as can be expected... matching slings on their arms, cuts and bruises, etc, but no permanent physical damage.

  5. I am so sorry to hear about Kathy Berg. I have known her for over 20 years. She could always make me laugh. My condolences to you Philine. Pam


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