Saturday, April 3, 2010



MadPriest at Of Course, I Could Be Wrong posted a Hipcast of a lovely version of the Holy Saturday Victoria: Tenebrae Responsories. You may want to have a listen. I liked the music so that I bought the album from eMusic.


  1. I know what you mean, Mimi. I bought the first ones he put up on Wednesday.

  2. Susan, I've been listening ever since I downloaded the music.

  3. Yes, the Lamentations do that to me. The complete album of Wednesday was available on Itunes and it was only 9.99. It's a gorgeous recording done on old instruments( a real plus for me) and so Italian it gives me the shivers!

  4. Susan, I pay eMusic $11.95 per month, and I get 24 credits. This album cost 18 credits. I still prefer CDs, because I don't have an iPod or iPad or whatever, and I like to play the CDs in my car.

  5. If you can burn a cd, and you have Itunes, you can play them in your car. Itunes lets you burn the cd 7 times per purchase

  6. Susan, one of these days, I will sit down and take the time to learn to burn CDs.

  7. There are elements of the texts of both the Tenebrae Responsories (which go on rather about "Judas, mercator pessimus") and the Lamentations of Jeremiah that can easily be seen as antisemitic, which I think was a factor in their being dropped from the RC liturgy. You kind of wonder, given their track record this week, how they noticed.

    Give Victoria's stunning Requiem a spin, as well. And Tallis's setting of the Lamentations, a high spot of English church music.

  8. ps Benny, tin-eared as ever, celebrated the Easter Vigil wearing a mitre ornamented with Stars of David.

  9. I'll look up Victoria Requiem. Tallis is the standard, but I think Ensemble Corund does a nice job.

    As for Benny...maybe that's his way of saying I'm sorry for what my preacher said.

  10. Tallis and Victoria are so fabulous. So is William Byrd.

    I went to church at Cologne Cathedral this morning and they had a nice bit of Heinrich Schutz sung very well by their very good choir.


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