Friday, May 21, 2010



A man was driving down the road and ran out of gas. Just at that moment, a bee flew in the window.

'What seems to be the problem?' asked the bee.

'I'm out of gas,' replied the man.

The bee told the man to wait for a few moments, and flew away. Minutes later, the man watched as an entire swarm of bees flew to his car and right into his gas tank. After a few minutes, the bees flew out.

'Try it now, ' said one bee.

The man turned the ignition key and the car started right up.
'Wow!' the surprised man exclaimed, 'what did you put in my gas tank?'

The bee answered,


Wait for it. Wait for it...


You're just gonna love this...



I see you smiling.


I figured why not go a little mad in the middle of the sorrow and depression with a timely joke, which admittedly did not result in LOL, but did, in fact, make me smile.

Don't blame me. Blame Doug.


  1. I guess I'm thick, but I don't get the punch-line; in fact, I don't even see a punch-line, unless it has to do with the pictures, which I can't make out.

  2. The punch line is in the pictures, Padre. I forget that I must save the pictures to Picasa before I post from email. I'll try to fix the post. Thanks.

  3. Bee pee indeed. Do bees pee?

    You may be getting angry emails from offended bees everywhere.

  4. Good heavens, Counterlight, we have a hive in my back yard. I did not think of a bee insurrection.

  5. Is bee pee a possible solution to the energy crisis?

  6. Thank you, Abuelita; I can see the pictures now.

  7. Good, Padre. I wouldn't have wanted you to miss my offering.

    For what it's worth, I've seen cuter bees than the bee peeing.


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