Saturday, May 1, 2010


From the The Huffington Post:

People qualified to carry concealed weapons should be able to keep them strapped on in a church or temple as a way to enhance security, a [Louisiana] state House committee decided Wednesday (April 28).

The House Committee on the Administration of Criminal Justice voted 8-3 for bill that would allow a church to hire a security force or create its own by authorizing the church's board or pastor to tap parishioners who have concealed weapons permits to bring them to church.

I'm fairly certain that the bill will make its way successfully through the legislative process and be signed into law by Gov. Bobby Jindal. In the spirit of the new law, in churches which allow congregants to pack heat, the opening hymn for each and every service shall henceforth be "Praise the Lord, and Pass the Ammunition".

H/T to Andrew Gerns at The Lead and to Ann for sending me the link.


  1. I remember that song from World War II.

  2. Mimi, wasn't it on this very blog not so long ago you cited the example of Anglican preachers carrying guns in the old days in case any of the congregation got a bit frisky?

  3. Ormonde, I remember the song, too. In our school singing classes, we sang all the patriotic songs during WWII. Miss Hilda Caboche taught singing, often standing at the piano and playing with one hand, while waving the other to keep us in time. She was a New Orleans character. I can still hear her shouting out "Over there; over there...!" in her loud voice. Miss Hilda wore skirts and sweaters so tight that I look back and wonder how she got away with her dress in a Roman Catholic School.

    Cathy, what you say is possible, but I don't remember the post.

  4. Mimi, I've found the post, and it is here:

    The information was in fact from Ormonde Plater in the comments:

    But seriously, I remember reading about an Anglican priest in colonial Maryland who used to carrfy a pistol with him into the pulpit, in case any in the congregation got rowdy.

    wv - splatt (!) I guess that would be the sound effect that would accompany a priest shooting rowdy people in the congregation.

  5. Cathy, thank you. I am honored to learn that Wounded Bird is the blog where prophets speak.

    Wow, Ormonde!


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