Thursday, May 6, 2010



...or you should have. You can't decry federal spending at every turn and then beg at the federal trough without suffering, at least, a few verbal raps on the knuckles.

From TPM:

In Louisiana, Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) has been a vocal critic of federal spending under President Obama, but as the state closest to the undersea leak, he already has requested various forms of federal disaster assistance. He's also anticipating the possibility that British Petroleum either won't, or won't have to under the law, foot the the full cost of all the damages associated with the spill.

Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) took a swipe at Jindal when I asked during a brief interview this week if Congress was considering any funding to add to what BP will do. "Well you know, here we go. You know, the governor of Louisiana says the federal government should stay out of the state's business," Menendez told me Tuesday night. Jindal's office said they would respond but haven't yet gotten back to me. We'll update if they do.

The help that you ask for in Louisiana is going to run up the federal budget, you know, Gov. Jindal. Ah, but that's all right, because it's you who requests the money. And if help comes, you will take credit. And then you will campaign on cutting federal spending.

The who-will-pay-for-what game is already in progress. BP has said only that it will pay the costs of the clean-up.

Menendez is pushing Congress to raise the liability cap because he sees astronomical costs to communities, fisheries, processors and the tourism industry including hotels and restaurants. He said it's the "whole ripple effect of the economy when we have a disaster like this" that he's worried about, adding, "I'm not quite sure why the administration continues to take the view that BP is responsible for everything. They are certainly responsible for everything related to the cleanup. ... I'm not sure that liability is as extensive as they believe."

We shall see.


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