Thursday, May 6, 2010



Ronal Serpas, who served as second-in-command to New Orleans Police Chief Richard Pennington and now runs the Nashville Police Department, has been selected to take the reins of the city's troubled police department, Mayor Mitch Landrieu said today.
"As mayor... my top priority is to transform the culture of death on the streets of New Orleans into a celebration of life," Landrieu said at an 11 a.m. news conference at Gallier Hall. "The first step, the one step that needs to be taken is to find an individual who will help lead the New Orleans Police Department. The second step is to work with the Department of Justice to reform the police department."

The appointment of a new police chief is one of Landrieu's most important decisions. I hope Ronal Serpas can do the job, because NOPD needs cleaning up and especially because the murder numbers must be reduced, if New Orleans is to have a decent future.

Serpas will be working closely with the U. S. Dept. of Justice, because Landrieu has asked the feds to evaluate NOPD, and several federal investigations of the police department are currently in progress.

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