Friday, June 11, 2010


Look what that cat MadPriest dragged in.

When Grandmère Mimi made her state visit to England last year we met up in Yorkshire and visited the quaint village of Lastingham for lunch.

After our meal, Mimi and me went to have a look in the church. On the way back to the car, we were Googled and have been immortalised on their street view function. Mrs MadPriest can be seen in the distance opening the boot of our car.

Dat is me, and dat is him. I don't know about immortalized, but the picture was taken in March of 2009, so it's probably been on Google's street view function for quite a while. Amazing!

Below is a picture of the Norman crypt of the Church of St. Mary in Lastingham, the church Jonathan and I visited that day.


  1. Margaret, I asked, but MadPriest didn't answer.

  2. My guess is he or Mrs MP looked up the church or pub in Lastingham on a whim on Google Street Maps while playing with Google Street Maps, as you do (because the fun thing to do on Google Street Maps is look up places you've lived in or visited) and discovered it by chance that way.

    It is very odd, isn't it, that GSM caught that particular moment.

  3. That church interior is really beautiful, by the way.

  4. Amazing detail on Google Maps' street view. Y526 LNK, yet.

  5. Cathy, you're probably right. I corrected the post to show that the picture was taken in the Norman crypt of the church. I have a special fondness for old Norman churches.

  6. Naughty, naturally, but it really is remarkable that one can pick out such detail.

  7. Oh, I love that crypt. Would love to spend a nice long time meditating there.

    Well, I'm not the least bit suprised that MadPriest found that photo. It strikes me as just like him to do so.

  8. Ellie, the crypt was a quiet, peaceful space. Look at the columns, some with carvings and others without.

  9. How many other North-Eastern road-sides were you wandering as the Google Maps van sped by, I wonder? Where's Mimi?


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