Thursday, June 10, 2010


In the light of the setting sun
I saw the stones of the cathedral
seemed to be made of gold, pure gold.

And the great white crane flew by
on wings that beat so slow, so slow,
much slower than the beating of my heart,
and turned not, but flew on, flew on.

And after sunset, in the dim gray light of evening
I touched the stones of the cathedral
and found they were not gold at all;
not gold but only stone, cold stone.

And the great white crane still flew,
and turned not back
past Canterbury’s cold, cold stone.

Tobias Stanislas Haller

June 10,2010

Of all the words I've read and written about this letter or that letter, or this statement or that statement, the words of Tobias' elegy speak most closely to what is in my heart. Thank you, my dear brother, Tobias.


  1. His words really tells it all. The ABC's words have made almost cry and I pray that somehow his eyes will be opened, but I'm sure it won't happen because he doesn't seem to be listening to any wise voice.

  2. My late mother loved Canterbury too. I sometimes think of her love for all things English, when I read about the Anglican nastinesses...

    Tobias' elegy is most beautiful (I'd love to be that Heron ;-)

  3. Göran, I'm an incurable Anglophile, too. Rowan is not English; he is Welsh.


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