Friday, June 11, 2010


carries a lot of suitcases but all of them
are empty because she's expecting to
completely fill them with life by the end
of this trip & then she'll come home &
sort everything out & do it all again

From StoryPeople.

Due to extreme busyness, I've not had time to attend to email, my blog, phone calls, nor much of anything but the duties that demand my attention now. When I can, I'll get back to all those things. Don't worry. Nothing is wrong here, except that I'm quite busy.

I love the "Story of the Day" today, and I sneaked in the few minutes required to post the story before moving on.

1 comment:

  1. Mimi, I am glad you posted that it was busyness, because I had become a little worried that you had been comparitively quiet.

    I love this Story of the Day. I'm shifting suitcases round at the mo because I've got a couple of blokes coming to my flat tomorrow morning to paint my bedroom, long overdue. So, I geddit.


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