Sunday, June 13, 2010



DAVID GRUNFELD / THE TIMES-PICAYUNE A Northern Gannet which is normally white was found covered in oil in the Gulf of Mexico resting at a recovery center in Boothville, LA.

Wise Dr Christian Troll, in a post at GAFCON, alerted me to the words below from a statement by the Director of Business Ethics at BP, Stewart Broome, titled Raising the bar: business ethics in practice:

“ Well at BP we have chosen to put ethics high on our agenda. It's not because we have more ethical problems than most large companies. It's not because we're unusually high-minded.......

Rather it's because we think it's the right place to be -for our employees around the world, for our partners, for our industry, for the communities in which we do business, for our reputation and performance today, and for our future tomorrow.

Why it matters: What does a company like BP mean by "being ethical"? Well, our definition has a practical focus but it's underpinned by a belief in honesty, respect for others, integrity and transparency - moral values in other words.”

Of course, Mr. Broome made the statement back in 2003. Perhaps he has since been swept away from BP's higher echelons for his rash words. A corporation which practices both ethics and moral values risks its very survival.


  1. Perhaps he has since been swept away from BP's higher echelons for his rash words.

    I doubt it actually, because his is the sort of guff oil companies, and indeed all large corporations, perpetually come out with, don't you think? BP would be mouthing PR-speak about how ethically marvellous they are at this very moment if they thought they could get away with it. It's like all political speeches - always sound very fine, never mean a thing.

  2. I love that bird's face, by the way.

  3. I Googled Broome's name and BP, and the matches all referred to the 2003 speech. I found someone with the same name who works for another firm in the UK, but it's a fairly common name and may not be the same person.

    Poor birdie.


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