Saturday, June 12, 2010


In the news: President Barack Obama spoke by phone with the new Prime Minister of the UK, David Cameron, and the president does not blame the PM for BP's oil spill.

Prairie Home Companion - one man to another: "I quickly lose respect for any woman who is attracted to me."


  1. I think that the Brits are upset because we didn't lose like we were supposed to at the World Cup game with England.

  2. Counterlight, I think you may be right. The mighty Brits did not smash our team to smithereens. I heard the news on NPR.

  3. The mighty Brits did not smash our team to smithereens.

    Oh wot a surprise!!!

    If there's one thing the Brits are good at doing sports-wise it's snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, even when the odds seem heroically impossible. Anyway, England haven't won the World Cup since the year 1066.

  4. Prairie Home Companion - one man to another: "I quickly lose respect for any woman who is attracted to me."

    Perhaps he is assessing himself quite accurately.

  5. Teh vast majority of 'Brits' couldn't care less. Footy is popular here, no doubt, but is is still a minority interest.

  6. TheMe, I don't blame you for BP's oil gusher, either. I thought you'd like to know.


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