Wednesday, June 2, 2010


From Kirstin:

Pray please

Some of you know I had a mass removed from my abdominal wall last week. They told me it was a lipoma; harmless something like 99% of the time.

My pathology report came back today, consistent with metastatic melanoma.

That is literally all I know. I expect my oncologist in Oakland to call me tomorrow; I'll do a phone consultation with him. And see the oncologist here (Stockton) who is not the one who tried to kill me two years ago. The very least it means is scans and probably more surgery. I don't even know the protocol, if interferon would be done a second time.

I don't know what it means for my ministries in Sacramento. I know I want to continue doing everything I can. And I know that right now, I feel physically fine.

Keep praying.

Heavenly Father, giver of life and health: Comfort and relieve your sick servant Kirstin, and give your power of healing to those who minister to her needs, that she may be strengthened in her weakness and have confidence in your loving care; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


God to enfold her,
God to surround her,
God in her speaking,
God in her thinking.

God in her sleeping,
God in her waking,
God in her watching,
God in her hoping.

God in her life,
God in her lips,
God in her soul,
God in her heart.

God in her sufficing,
God in her slumber,
God in her ever-living soul,
God in her eternity.

From the Carmina Gadelica. (Edit.)


  1. Prayers from here as well.

    Lord send your Holy Spirit upon Kristin. May you strengthen her in her need, comfort her in her fear and wrap her in your unfailing love, in Jesus name, Amen.

  2. dammitdammitdammit!

    I don't want my friends to have to deal with this crap. Kyrie eleison.

  3. My dear Kirstin, you're quite welcome. My prayers for you will continue.

    I have fond memories of our lunch in New Orleans, but not so fond memories of our car wreck. What a way to end our first and only face to face meeting!

  4. My friend Kathy wants Kirstin to know she is praying for her too. As am I.

  5. Everyone's prayers mean more than I can say. Thank you.

  6. Add mine to the bunch, Kristin--Dear Friend and I prayer for you this morning and will continue to do so.

    I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this...



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