Sunday, June 27, 2010


From Port Fourchon's website:

Port Fourchon was developed as a multi-use facility. It has historically been a land base for offshore oil support services as well as a land base for the Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP). In addition, Port Fourchon has served as a commercial and recreational fishing mecca, foreign cargo shipping terminal, and a unique area for recreation and tourism.

The overwhelming majority (over 95%) of tonnage handled at the Port is oil and gas related. Every widget and gadget needed to support the oil and gas industry is handled as cargo. It moves through container, bulk, breakbulk, and just about every method imaginable. Approximately 30% of total tonnage travels to and from the port by inland barge before being transferred to or from an offshore supply vessel, and 70% travels to and from the port by vehicle before being transferred to or from an offshore supply vessel or helicopter.


Grandpère insisted that I take a picture of the water tower at Port Fourchon to prove we'd been there - as if my word is not enough.


Storage tanks at the port


Chouest boats, painted in their distinctive yellow and red color.

North American Shipbuilding, in Larose, Louisiana, is known locally as Chouest after the name of the founders of the company.


I'll bet you didn't know that we had the Infant Jesus of Prague just southeast of us.


Shrimpboats outfitted for skimming oil


Fancy camps at Port Fourchon

President Obama picked up tarballs on Fourchon Beach.

We wanted to continue on to Elmer's Island, but the bridge was blocked.

Just so you'll know, the oil and gas that are produced from the wells in the Gulf and serviced through Port Fourchon is not for the exclusive use of the people of Louisiana. It's shipped or piped all over the country, maybe even to the utility company which supplies your power.

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