Monday, June 28, 2010


From the BBC:

Pope Benedict has joined mounting Vatican criticism of raids by Belgian police investigating alleged child sex abuse, calling them "deplorable".

In a message to Belgian bishops, the pope expressed solidarity "in this moment of sadness".

Several buildings were searched in raids targeting a retired archbishop and the graves of two prelates.

Belgium's justice minister has responded to the criticism robustly, saying normal procedures were followed.

On Saturday Vatican officials compared the raids and investigation into allegations of child sex abuse with the treatment of the Church under communist rule.

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican Secretary of State, described the detention of priests "serious and unbelievable".

"There are no precedents, not even under the old communist regimes," he said.

The Vatican has summoned the Belgian ambassador to the Holy See to voice its anger at the incident.

The church was rocked in April when the Bishop of Bruges, Roger Vangheluwe, resigned and admitted to sexual abuse before and after becoming a bishop.

Cardinal Bertone is at it again. Perhaps there are no precedents for the police authorities to use normal procedures with bishops, but I say, "Welcome to the human race, Your Graces." And the comparison with communist regimes is so decades ago, Your Eminence.

Thanks to John.

UPDATE: From Mark Silk at Beliefnet:

I grant you that it isn't every day that the authorities hold a country's bishops for questioning for nine hours, confiscate their computers and cell phones, and drill into the sarcophagi of a couple of their deceased number. But when Vatican Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone protests that the Belgian bishops had been held without food and water when they haven't, and the Belgian bishops have to issue a correction, that's tells you the wheels are coming off the popemobile.

Read more....

H/T to Ann Fontaine at The Lead for the link to the info in the update.


  1. For a brief moment I misread what the Pope was complaining about and thought he was denouncing Belgian bishops who had committed child abuse. No such luck.

    I'm sorry, does the Pope grasp any of the issues with the child abuse scandal at all? Any of them? He keeps reacting as if the claims made against the church are unjust and irresponsible, rather than accepting that the fault and any wrongdoing lies with the church.

  2. The last of Mussolini's client states thinks it's still operating in the age of Becket.

  3. Priorities, priorities, Your Holiness!

  4. "The Vatican issued an unprecedented public rebuke Monday of a leading cardinal who had questioned the church's policy of celibacy and openly criticized the retired Vatican No. 2 for his handling of clerical sex abuse cases. In a statement, the Vatican said only the pope can make such accusations against a cardinal, not another so-called prince of the church."

    Just posted at the NYT.

    No effin' end to their arrogance, is there?

  5. "this moment of sadness" my ass!

    Blame someone else. . . again.

  6. Lapin, the NYT piece is laughable. Says the pope, "I am the only person who can rebuke a cardinal, and I am infallible. So there!"

    But that so many pay attention to the arrogant foolishness is cause for weeping.

  7. They, the hierarchy, are in this so deep that they can't see the light of day. All they know how to do is project blame. Very, very sad.

  8. Blind guides, whitewashed sepulchers, etc., etc. Some things never change.

  9. And all I heard last week with the RCs was repentance, repentance, repentance. We are all such miserable sinners that we must constantly repent of all our sins if we expect to avoid the fires of hell. Perhaps the pope should listen to what was being preached in Pittsburgh?

  10. Perhaps if the RC bishops were held incommunicado more often....

  11. It's enough to make you cry for all the faithful Catholics who have to live with this ignominious leadership, and for the effect on Christendom as a whole. I'm going to start praying for the Spirit to intervene and open some eyes and hearts.

  12. I suppose Pope Tom Riddle hasn't woken up to the idea that he's the one being deplorable and unbelievable.

    But I did have a WTF moment. The gaves of two prelates? That does have a medieval (and somewhat unbelievable) tone to it. Do they intend to dig up the bodies and bring them into court, like Charles II did with Oliver Cromwell?

  13. My understanding is the authorities suspected the graves had been used to hide evidence (apparently there had been recent construction done in the area).

  14. Erp, when I read about the graves, I thought the very thing that you mention - evidence.

  15. Let me see if I get this right: According to the pope it is okay to desecrate the body of a living child but it is not okay to search the graves of dead clergy for evidence of the desecration of a child?? Does that sum it up??

    This just pisses me off!

  16. Two Auntees, I love it when you get pissed off.

  17. What I mean is that I love the way you express yourself when you are justifiably pissed off.

  18. Supreme Court to allow sex-abuse suit against Vatican to proceed.

    "In declining to stop a lawsuit that accuses the Vatican of conspiring with U.S. church officials to cover up sex abuse, the court took a rare step toward bringing the Holy See into a U.S. courtroom."


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