Thursday, June 24, 2010


Sen. David Vitter

From NOLA:

WASHINGTON -- An aide to Sen. David Vitter, R-La., resigned Wednesday amid revelations that he had held a woman against her will in 2008 in his Capitol Hill apartment, stabbing her in the hand and chin, before releasing her on her promise that she wouldn't call police.

And only now resigning? Last time I looked at the calendar, the year was 2010.

There's more:

Brent Furer, 40, pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges and received a suspended sentence in connection with the incident, described in his arrest warrant, according to a report by ABC News Wednesday, which detailed a long string of Furer's "brushes with the law" dating to the 1990s. They included drunken driving arrests, cocaine possession and a "road rage" incident in Washington in late 2008 in which Furer stuck a motorcyclist, breaking his femur.

But wait! Here's the explanation from Sen. Vitter's office:

"The office hired the employee in question based on very strong recommendations, including those related to his military service in Kuwait," Joel DiGrado, Vitter's spokesman, said in a statement. "After the January 2008 incident, he was told to leave the office pending the court's determination of what happened. In April, after the court issued its penalty (fine and community service, no finding of assault or attack), and in consultation with the congressional employment legal office, further significant disciplinary action was taken and he was allowed to return to the office. Sen. Vitter accepted the employee's resignation today after learning of the other incidents."

Not assault. Not an attack. A mere stabbing in the hand and chin of the woman while she was being held against her will - a peccadillo. On well, then.


  1. Holy Vaca, looks like another dopey/aggressive know-it-all evil spoiled brat bit the dust (well, he probably needs more time to work on his Supremist activist projects with the upcoming Fall campaign and all).

    No respect, dang nab it and it´s probably all President Obama´s fault...telephone FOX NEWS!

  2. Leonardo, you can't make this stuff up. And the slings and arrows just seem to bounce off Vitter, never causing harm and never causing folks in Louisiana to rethink their support.

  3. Sexual crime only counts against liberal democrats. That is a rule among conservatives. Of course it was only a peccadillo! Now if Bill Clinton had done it...


  4. Eh???? Sorry, stabbing a woman isn't assault or attack??? ... That's insane.

    The aptly-named Furer sounds like a troubled, unpleasant individual altogether.

  5. Jim, I'm truly surprised that Vitter's numbers of supporters remain high despite the negative stories.

    Cathy, insanity sometimes prevails around here.

    Yes! Der Furer!

  6. Louisiana politics continue to amaze.

    Perhaps only Texas, Illinois, and New Jersey can really compete.

  7. The last four polls taken (2 ending 6/13) have Vitter up by an average of 15.7 pts over his Lilliputian opponent. Looks like the people of LA know the diff between a Senator and an aide.

  8. Anonymous, please give a name if you return, or I shall have to hit delete.

    Vitter is down by 4 or 5 points, then. And why did the senator wait two years to demand a resignation?

    And there's the prostitute business, which did not involve an aide but the senator himself.

  9. Vitter consistently pushes the GOP party line - he is a GOP soldier, nothing more or less. Folks here in LA need to learn that someone playing to their worst instincts is not serving the community.

  10. Francis P, exactly. And, unfortunately, pushing the GOP party line is enough to hold the support of far too many Louisianians, despite the fact that the policies of the GOP do not serve them well.

  11. Why did the aide resign?

    A reasonable politician would've made that unnecessary in 2008. A responsible politician - which Vitter clearly is not - would've insisted on therapy, and, if refused, would then have made the resignation unnecessary.

  12. The Republicans don't serve anyone well!

    I've never understood how they've come to have the reputation of the party of prosperity when, since Hoover, they've been responsible for every major fiscal collapse in American history, which the Democrats have then had to patiently dig us out of.

  13. Furer (great name!) is fortunate in his connections. A stabbing and the road rage incident? For a lesser individual, either might easily have netted an "assault with intent to kill" conviction and a lengthy prison term. What did this guy do for Vitter, that rendered him so indispensable - change his diapers?

  14. I spend a good bit of time shaking my head at politics and church politics and thinking, "If you made up this story, no one would believe it."

  15. "If you made up this story, no one would believe it."

    If all of this was a movie, the critics would be merciless.

  16. Absolutely merciless, Counterlight.

    Vitter's anonymous supporter should have noted that I did not mention the prostitute affair in my post. The snide comment gave me a push to call attention to Vitter's peccadillo.


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