Friday, June 25, 2010


From CBS News:

All along the Gulf coast, local officials have been demanding more help from the federal government to fight the spill, yet the Gulf states have deployed just a fraction of the National Guard troops the Pentagon has made available, CBS News Chief Investigative Correspondent Armen Keteyian reports.

That's a particular problem for the state of Louisiana, where the Republican governor has been the most vocal about using all resources.

Gov. Bobby Jindal's message has been loud and clear, using language such as "We will only be winning this war when we're actually deploying every resource," "They (the federal government) can provide more resources" and "It's clear the resources needed to protect our coast are still not here."

But nearly two months after the governor requested - and the Department of Defense approved the use of 6,000 Louisiana National Guard troops - only a fraction - 1,053 - have actually been deployed by Jindal to fight the spill.

So what's up, Guvna?

"Actually we asked the White House to approve the initial 6,000," Jindal said. "What they came back and said is the Coast Guard and BP had to authorize individual tasks."

But Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen, the national incident commander in charge of the government's response to the spill, said Jindal is just flat wrong.

"There is nothing standing in the governor's way from utilizing more National Guard troops," Allen said.

In fact, the Coast Guard says every request to use the National Guard has been approved, usually within a day. Now Jindal's office acknowledged to CBS News the governor has not specifically asked for more Guard troops to be deployed.

Miscommunication? Misunderstanding? Guvna, before you start crying for more help again and blaming the Obama administration for not delivering, perhaps you should use the resources that have been authorized - or give us a good reason why you haven't. Now would be about the right time to issue the call.


  1. Partisan politics! It's always bloody partisan politics! This time, the Guvna got caught. Good.

  2. Honest to Pete, Mimi...I knew this guy was double talk´n so fast he couldn´t stop to think...what´s with that when scalding the President is more important than cooling off a horrible disaster?

    I think I´m getting to the bitter old man part of my life...however, went to the eyedoctorsextraordiare today and my repaired leftie is really fantastico...correcting to 20/20! Yippee! Had a BIG Korean lunch afterward and celebrated the soccer loss of North Korea (while delighting in little bowls of Kim-chi, Cold Noodles/spicy red sauce and BBQ wrapped in lettuce leaves).

    Joy to you this weekend (and it´s a good thing you´re not in same room with me because I smell like the coach cabin on Korean Airlines)

  3. Before the election, I pleaded with everyone I knew not to vote for Jindal. Now some of those folks tell me I was right all along. Grrr! Why didn't they listen to me when I warned Jindal was a flim-flam artist?

  4. Hey Leonardo,
    I flew to Vietnam this year aboard Korean Airlines in coach and I beleive I resemble that remark!

  5. Steaming pile Piyush strikes again.

  6. Don't you just love all of those, "keep your federal nose out of my state's business" Republicans, who scream and cry for federal intervention when it is their ox that is gored. It is too bad that their over-fed, upper crusty backsides can't see the need when it is their less fortunate citizens who need the help for such things as health care, child care, transportation, housing, protection from corporations, or educational funds.


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