Thursday, July 1, 2010


As Paul (A.) says, "Ow!"

UPDATE:For those who may not know, Charlie Melancon is the Blue Dog Democrat who is running against David Vitter for the US Senate. I'm not alway pleased with the votes of the Blue Dogs, but I'll take this Blue Dog Democrat over Vitter any day.


  1. Doesn't look like LA will get this "blue dog." The latest Rasmussen poll (Tuesday, June 29) has Vitter up by 18 over Melancon, 53 to 35.

  2. Jim, if you prefer senators who patronize prostitutes and keep on the payroll for two years a man who slashed a woman with a knife and threatened to kill her....

  3. Sorry, didn't know you knew all the details of the aide's story and were in the cat bird seat. And it's not what I prefer, it's that Vitter is preferred in LA (by 18 pts. according to the Rasmussen poll) over Charlie Melancon. Now ole Charlie is getting desperate to make up a lot of ground by throwing dirt. The nation doesn't need any more Dems in the Senate anyhow.

  4. Jim, in the end, it's not bad thing when cheerleaders for Vitter like you drop in and leave a word, because you provide me with another opportunity to remind folks of what Vitter is about. So. Thanks for visiting.

  5. Today's follow-up: Vitter tells reporters that Furer worked for him on "issues, including abortion issues, including several other issues, but not women's affairs".

    Because clearly for Vitter abortions are of no interest to women.


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