Friday, July 9, 2010


From Grand Gallicho at Commonweal:

Everybody relax. As widely expected, Rome is about to issue new rules for handling priests who sexually abuse minors, including those who view child pornography and abuse adults with mentally disabilities, classifying such acts as grave canonical crimes.

Good news! Read the details at the link.

But wait!

Oh, and the new document will include those who try to ordain women and women who try to get ordained.

You can't make this stuff up.

Says Gallicho:

It will be interesting to see how the new norms and their accompanying documentation handle the issue of women’s ordination. Footnote? Bullet point? Boldfaced and highlighted? Whatever the case, why now? To fuel the suspicion that in the 1980s and ’90s the CDF was more interested in disciplining “liberal” doctrinal abusers than it was abuser priests?

The Vatican takes one step forward and I can't even count how many steps backward.

H/T to Andrew Sullivan at the The Daily Dish.


  1. They've shot themselves in the foot so often by now, they shouldn't have a leg left to stand on.

  2. The thing is that Richard Dawkins and Pope Benedict look so similar in some photos that I have long suspected they are the same person. If so this would explain a great deal. The Pope is really a militant atheist in disguise trying to bring down the church and eradicate its reputation with and influence on the wider world. So far things seem to be going quite well for him.

  3. Attempting to ordain a women is a grave canonical crime? Really?

    Cathy, I'd never thought of it before, but there is a resemblance.

    If Rowan can be two people....

  4. My bet is when he needs to change into the Pope Dawkins runs into telephone boxes and bursts out again seconds later wearing the papal outfit.

  5. Richard Dawkins might be Rowan Williams too. He just sticks on big eyebrows and a bushy beard, which he probably got from Ian McKellen.


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