Friday, July 9, 2010


From Kansas

Hours after giving their blessing to ordaining noncelibate gays and lesbians, leaders of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) declined late Thursday to change the church's definition of marriage, in effect refusing to allow same-sex marriages within their denomination.

If the proposal had been approved, the church's definition of marriage would have changed from a commitment between "a woman and a man" to "two people" and allowed church weddings in states that have legalized gay marriage.

That the Presbyterians decided to discuss same-sex marriage for two more years is disappointing, but the "yes" vote for gay marriage will come soon. The train has left the station.

The gay ordination proposal, which did pass, still must be approved by the majority of the church's 173 local "presbyteries," or district governing bodies, within the next year before it can take effect.

Let us pray that a majority of the presbyteries vote to approve the proposal.

H/T to Andrew Gerns at The Lead.

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