Friday, July 16, 2010


From Paul the BB's Oremus post:

I bid your fervent prayers for Fran. She has gone from utter misery through removal of the old gall bladder to.... ongoing misery.
Hospital hostage crisis day 9...
No liquids yet, no solids yet, no going home. Praying people unleash your prayers please.

O Father of mercies and God of all comfort, our only help in time of need: We humbly beseech thee to behold, visit, and relieve thy sick servant Fran for whom our prayers are desired. Look upon her with the eyes of thy mercy; comfort her with a sense of thy goodness; preserve her from the temptations of the enemy; and give her patience under her affliction. In thy good time, restore her to health, and enable her to lead the residue of her life in thy fear, and to thy glory; and grant that finally she may dwell with thee in life everlasting; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

UPDATE:From Fran this evening:

Thank you all again. I just took my first sip of water. I have to go slow...I remain optimistic. I thank you for your continued prayers.

Love fran

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers for Fran. Enfold her in your healing love and restore her to full health and strength, in Jesus' name. Amen.

UPDATE 2: From Fran:

I just got the word, I am being sprung tomorrow! !! Praise God!

Wonderful news! Please continue to keep Fran in your prayers until she is restored to full health.

UPDATE 3: Fran is home! Thanks be to God, and to all who prayed.


  1. Prayers for Fran -- and all who love her- may she feel borne through these days by prayer.

  2. Fran, prayers for your peace and well-being, may the pain be lifted day by day.

    Love to you,
    Leonardo Ricardo

  3. Fran, may God bring you swift recovery and healing.

  4. Prayers, Fran. Being sprung is a good thing. You'll feel much better when you get away from all those sick people. Take it easy. May God watch over you.

  5. Fran, I had no idea this was happening to you, I'm so sorry!
    Prayers and hugs for you, prayers for your family.


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