Friday, July 16, 2010


From Greg Sergent at The Plum Line:

Vitter is chatting with the folks on Rush Radio in New Orleans, and they're joking around about what they looked like in their younger days.

MALE HOST: I wonder if Senator Vitter is ever going to post, like, maybe the video of the first time he was on the floor of the Senate. If I have to show the way I looked the first time I was on TV, you should do that too.

VITTER: We should go further back than that, how about high school yearbook?

MALE HOST: Oh yeah.

VITTER: De La Salle marching band.

MALE HOST: That'd be cool. Well you know, with Rachel Maddow they had that picture of her...

FEMALE HOST: Looking like a woman.

MALE HOST: Yeah it was really bizarre.

VITTER: [LAUGHS]: Must have been a long time ago.


Heavy laughter? Hilarious - NOT! As the person who sent me the link said, "Disgusting". However, there may be more than a few yuk-yuks from certain folks around these parts.

Greg says:

Hmm, I guess this means Maddow probably won't be the target of Vitter's extramarital charms anytime soon...

How lucky can a girl be!

Here's the link to the audio in all its glory.


  1. Catherine in JapanJuly 16, 2010 at 6:46 PM

    I couldn't bring myself to listen to the audio, the text was icky enough. What a smug bunch of class-less folks! Not that it really matters but, I think that RM is just darned cute!

  2. Catherine, I've always thought Rachel was quite attractive.

    The radio talk show host phony laughter drives me mad.

  3. Catherine in JapanJuly 16, 2010 at 7:17 PM

    Grandmere, you are a braver woman than I. I just couldn't listen.

  4. I think Rachel is lovely...more lovely since she´s so clear and direct.


  5. ha ha - very funny- not - what creeps - like Junior High

  6. No I couldn't listen either. What creeps!!

  7. I'm sure Rachel is weeping into her pillow, tonight.

    "Oh! I shall never win the heart of that classless, doughy, oily drunk!"

    As for the male and female hosts, what's the old saying - "A face made for radio?"

  8. I'm sure Rachel is weeping into her pillow, tonight

    Mark beat me to it again!!

    Very lazy-minded and unoriginal insult, and quite untrue.

  9. "A face made for radio". I love it, Mark.

  10. I don't particularly agree with my Senators (not at all actually), but at least they are not certifiable sleaze and slime. Poor Mimi.

  11. Rachel is more {woman} {man} than they'll ever be, and more {man} {woman} than they'll ever get.

    [w/ apologies to the author of the script for "Car Wash"]

  12. How does Vitter get away with it? That's what I can't understand.


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