Tuesday, July 20, 2010


From IT at The Friends of Jake:

But the pinnacle of the weekend was an announcement during the Rev. Canon Allisyn Thomas's sermon on Sunday. She informed us that Bishop James Mathes has given St Paul's permission to offer same sex blessings. There were many tears of joy in the congregation, as long-time couples realized that they, at last, can fully belong. (BP was singing in the summer choir, so I had to wait for the Peace to be able to sneak into the choir to hug her tight!)

What wonderful news! Read the details at TFOJ.

The link to The Rev. Canon Allisyn Thomas' sermon is at the website of St. Paul's Cathedral.

We are created to love God and to love each other. And it is often in our most intimate relationships—intimate in body, mind, and soul, we see the image of the invisible God and begin to understand the depth of God’s all encompassing passion and love for us.

This Cathedral community has been abundantly blessed, and continues to be blessed, with many couples who are in loving, committed long term, Christ-filled relationships. Their presence is an amazing witness of what the better part looks like.

But, we have not been able to formally bless the relationships of our LGBT members—a situation which has caused great pain for many here and diminished the ability of all of us to find and proclaim the image of the invisible God, an image often found in the relationships of our LGBT members and friends because they know some things about fidelity and steadfastness in the face of hardship those of us who are straight cannot fully appreciate.

Approximately two weeks ago, Bishop Mathes sent a letter to all clergy in the Diocese saying he will permit the blessing of same gender relationships in churches in this Diocese, under certain conditions.

Canon Thomas' entire sermon is well worth reading.


  1. I'm really moved by IT's words about hugging BP during the Peace. How lovely.

    Well bloody done to all, not least Bishop Mathes for getting it right.

  2. Cathy, I've met IT and BP. They're a lovely couple.

  3. I was doing my regular third Sunday turn at acolyte service that day. Most of the people up in the chancel were weeping and trying to hold it together for the remainder of the service. (I told Allisyn afterward that it wasn't nice to make everybody cry even though she, herself, was doing so from the pulpit.) I am reminded once again that when I found St. Paul's I was, for the first time ever in my life, home.

  4. Thank you for the kind words! I continue to be amazed and awed at our straight allies who fight the good fight to include us, often at considerable cost.

    You are right, Allisyn almost didn't get the words out! But the tears were tears of joy. I suspect there are many couples here who have waited a long time for this and there's still a ways to go before anything actually happens, as the process gets established. But needless to say, we'll be part of it.

    There's an interview with the Bishop in EPiscopal Life ONline


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