Friday, July 9, 2010


From WWL-TV:

Gov. Bobby Jindal has signed into Louisiana law an objection to President Barack Obama's signature health care revamp.
The bill by Republican Kirk Talbot — signed by Jindal on Tuesday — declares that no one in Louisiana can be required to have health insurance or be required to pay a penalty if they refuse to carry insurance.

The measure is symbolic, including language that nothing in it should be construed to supersede federal law.

What a waste of the legislature's and the governor's time - passing and signing into law a symbol with no meaning to back it up. A sop to the Teapartiers, I'm sure.

Thanks to Paul (A.), but I'd already read the story but was too lazy to post. I give Paul credit for prodding.

Note: I'm overtaken by lassitude. No telling what you might find here today, including nothing further. ;-)


  1. If your weather's anything like mine, lassitude is appropriate. We're finally under triple digits but it's still hot.

  2. Paul (A.), I've been reading about your miserably hot weather. I hope that things improve soon.

    Today our weather could be a lot worse. Present temperature is 91 degrees with 59% humidity. If lassitude was the order of the day in hot weather here, I'd have to give up blogging for the summer months.


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