Thursday, August 5, 2010


From Jesus and Mo.


  1. Barperson?

    I do like Jesus and Mo.

  2. ... It reminds me a bit of a scene in Sex and the City (I forget which series, the last, I think) where the four women were at a starchy formal dinner party where the atmosphere was rather glacial to say the least, only Samantha was completely oblivious to this and announced loudly during an uncomfortable pause, "I think my maid's been using my vibrator." To which Charlotte, with a suitably disapproving expression, hissed in reply, "Samantha!!! ... I don't think we use the word 'maid' any more."

    PS I believe the two movies were not very good but I shall always cherish the TV series.

  3. Cathy, I saw one of the movies, but I don't remember much about it. It was probably not the one with dinner party or I would have remembered. It seems rather odd that anyone would mention a vibrator at a dinner party, but perhaps I'm out of touch.

    What do you think, Göran?


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