Tuesday, September 14, 2010


JCF said...
Wot Cathy said.

Some good news from Cathy (my friend suffering from lung cancer Cathy, or "Cath"):

I received a message from my oncologist yesterday afternoon (Monday) and the MRI I took last week shows no current evidence of brain mets!

I'm battling the side effects of last Friday's chemo, but the MRI news has been a relief and a morale boost.

JCF: Yes, I'm coming on the second anniversary of the diagnosis of Stage IV Non-small cell lung cancer in a nonsmoker. I'm glad of the anniversary, but would sure as hell rather be celebrating a different topic. Thank you.

Yay, no brain mets! [I really can't IMAGINE anything more terrifying, than having one's cancer spread to the brain :-( ]

If any of y'all want to read Cathy's entire Cancer Story, it begins here. [It's on a Xena-based board, though, so be prepared for a lot of references to The Warrior Princess! :-)]


  1. Thanks, Mimi! (Thanks to y'all for your prayers---and THANK YOU, GOD!)

  2. You'd be most welcome to join us, Cathy: the Tavern Wall's a very sociable place! :-)


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