Friday, October 29, 2010


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From Jesus and Mo.

Quite often, I post "Jesus and Mo" comic strips, not simply because I think they're funny, but because the comics make me think about my faith and my church from a different perspective.

Today, John Chilton at The Lead links to the reports of a recent study by Empty Tomb Inc, which shows that charitable giving to religious organizations, such as the Salvation Army and World Vision, has increased, even as giving to Protestant churches has fallen. Why?

From Grand Rapids Press:

A new book, “The State of Church Giving,” says congregations have waning influence among charitable causes because their focus now seems to be on institutional maintenance rather than spreading the gospel and healing the world.

Ronsvalle called the findings “unintended side effects of the ‘seeker’ mentality” that creates a consumer mindset within U.S. churches, one that says “‘We’re here to serve you,’ not ‘We’re here to transform you into somebody who serves others.’”

While church spending on operations has fallen 15 percent since 1968, the amount spent on benevolence has dropped 47 percent.

Lots of food for thought here. The costs of health care and energy hit congregational budgets particularly hard, and I'm not pointing a finger in this post. I don't have solutions to offer, either, but I foresee great changes approaching in how we do church, and we'd do well to be prepared for the changes, rather than be blindsided by them. However, I think we've seen enough already, and if we are blindsided, then the fault is ours because we look away from the reality.


  1. On our church bulletin, instead of asking, 'how may we serve you' or help you or some such thing, we ask 'how may we help you serve the Lord?'

    Sets the tone for what we do... I hope!

  2. Margaret, that is good. Your message in the bulletin points in the direction of service.

  3. Can I make a confession? I've gotten a little tired of "Jesus and Mo".

    To me, it's just become more bog-standard anti-theism (of the Hitchens, Dawkins, Harris ilk). It's shooting fish in a barrel (and worse, it's gotten repetitive and BORING).

    Re giving down to churches? I think when people think of "Church" these days, they think of RC pedophiles, or downlow hypocrites (or even just common variety fraudsters). "Church" is always going to be tinged by its sinners (nature of the human beast). But these days, I think "Church" has become more defined by its sinners than ever.

  4. JCF, sure you can make a confession.

    I have a suggestion for you. Ignore my posts on Jesus and Mo.

  5. Mimi, I think we all need to get ready for big changes. If churches don't focus on mission instead of maintenance, they really will die. Younger people want to be involved (and some of us grayer heads as well). We keep being told church is not a building, but we keep believing it really is. I love a beautiful building as much as the next person, but I'd love to see our beautiful buildings used to make people's lives beautiful.

  6. I love a beautiful building as much as the next person, but I'd love to see our beautiful buildings used to make people's lives beautiful.

    Amelia, that's lovely. I could not agree more.


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