Thursday, October 21, 2010


Anglo-Catholics in the Church of England, who are opposed to women bishops, but who do not plan to join the Roman Catholic ordinariates, formed The Mission Society of St Wilfrid and St Hilda.

Now Thinking Anglicans reports:

Reform members have voted to back the creation of a religious society within the Church of England for conservative evangelicals who want to promote the church’s mission but are opposed to the consecration of women as bishops.

Speaking at the network’s annual conference yesterday, attended by over 170 members, Revd Rod Thomas, the Reform chairman, said: “This is a very positive move not just for us, but for the wider church. The creation of a society can both provide a model of how the church can change to become more focused on mission, not maintenance, and a way forward through the dilemma it faces over women bishops.

“Reform members are involved in innovative ways of reaching into local communities with the good news of Jesus Christ. Many are in churches with a good number of younger men and women being trained for future gospel work. We have a mission-focus which brings health and life that is good for the wider church, and a religious society would enable us to continue that focus.

Further, the Revd Rod Thomas, the Reform chairman, now says that the combined votes of the Anglo-Catholics and Reform members of General Synod, who are opposed to women bishops, may now be sufficient to block the draft legislation, as it is now written, when the body takes up the current legislation, since a two-thirds majority is needed for passage.


  1. When did a self serving press release become "news"? If they do block women bishops they can be sure the CoE will be even less attractive to new members.

  2. Ann, if not news, the new societies forming in the Church of England, along with the RC ordinariates, are interesting, wouldn't you say?

    When the ABC was busy lecturing to our bishops on how to run a church, telling the delegates at GC how to vote, and generally minding our business, I advised him to tend his own garden, or the weeds would grow up and out of control, but he didn't listen.

  3. Oh I was not blaming you for posting it -- just wonder about the numbers when the group who has the most to gain is counting -- a ploy to discourage the pro-women forces? And yes -- the ABC is off in India playing dress up and the CoE is running amok.

  4. If they combine their votes against Women Bishops, I dare say that will probably be the last time they connect.

  5. Ann, it's possible that in his count, the Rev. Thomas uses the "putting facts on the ground" strategy. Say that such and such is so, and it will be so.

    Susan, my thought exactly. Strange bedfellows, indeed.

  6. yes Mimi -- that is the strategy I think


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