Wednesday, November 3, 2010



From No Anglican Covenant:
Anglican churches are being asked to adopt a so-called Anglican Covenant that seeks to bind them more tightly to one another and to codify procedures by which future disputes within the Anglican Communion will be resolved.

We believe that this covenant is ill-conceived. In response to the reputed “crisis” in the Communion, drafters of the covenant have favoured coercion over the hard work of reconciliation. The covenant seeks to narrow the range of acceptable belief within Anglicanism and to prevent further development of Anglican thought. Rather than bringing peace to the Communion, we predict that the covenant text itself could become the cause of future bickering and that its centralized dispute-resolution mechanisms could beget interminable quarrels and resentments.

I'm June Butler, and I approve this message. No good will come of the covenant.

General Synod of the Church of England will meet on 23 and 24 November 2010 and debate and vote on the Anglican Covenant.

This site is the work of the No Anglican Covenant Coalition. The Coalition comprises dedicated Christians, many of them bloggers, from around the worldwide Anglican Communion who believe that the proposed Anglican Covenant our churches are being asked to endorse is, at best, redundant, but, more likely, will do irreparable harm to our churches and to our Communion.

In particular, the members of the Coalition believe that the covenant is likely to change forever the fundamental nature of not only the Anglican Communion, but also of Anglicanism itself. Out of a fellowship of mutually supportive yet diverse regional and national churches tracing their historical and liturgical traditions to the Church of England, there threatens to emerge a monolithic, worldwide church unresponsive to local needs, narrow in its theological outlook, and governed exclusively by bishops most of us will never see.

For me to have been asked to be part of a group which includes such worthies is quite an honor. I hasten to add that my contribution to the hard work of putting the web site together was quite small. Others worked long and heroically, and I believe the result is splendid.

November 3rd is an ideal day to launch a new international organization resisting the proposed Anglican Covenant because it is the day Anglicans commemorate the sixteenth-century theologian Richard Hooker. Hooker argued that the Church should use the full range of reasoning faculties in matters of faith and should develop in light of changing circumstances. New ideas and differences of opinion, therefore, have a proper place within the Church. It is this openness and tolerance that we, the No Anglican Covenant Coalition, wish to defend today against an Anglican Covenant that would suppress differences of opinion.

Click on the link and explore the No Anglican Covenant web site. You'll find all you've ever wanted to know about the covenant and more.

Visit us on Facebook and Twitter.

The statue of Richard Hooker stands before Exeter Cathedral in England. Photo courtesy of Ann Fontaine.


  1. I'm announcing this on my blog too.

  2. Good, Doug. All together now: NO ANGLICAN COVENANT!

  3. I signed up to help. We are working on education forums at our church to be used during Lent so that we can share our thoughts with our Diocese, Bishop, Executive Council etc....

    Thanks for doing this.

  4. If the people do not speak up they will never be heard, especially if primates are doing all the talking. I am so glad we have folks speaking up.

  5. Margaret, thanks. The web site is wonderful, and I can pay compliments without self-aggrandization, because I contributed so little.

    Paul, thanks for your post. Truly, if anyone has questions, the answers may be found at the site. We are partisan, but readers may still get straightforward information to make their own decisions.

  6. Mimi,

    Getting the word out now is contributing. Your writing and participation is contributing.


  7. Jim, thanks. I got lost in the emails and suggestions. I don't have the kind of mind that can hold it all together.

  8. I'll join the fray after Diocesan Convention this week. Trying to avoid any religious discussion/topic since I'm running for Diocesan Council and GC Deputy. I won't be elected to either but I don't want to stir up anything till after the convention.

  9. I got swamped in all the email myself, and had a hard time following it all, or finding the time to read it all. But, I liked reading what I could.

  10. Piskie, fine. Try to get elected first. We need you.

    Counterlight, my friend Cathy, with whom I traveled in Scotland, says she thinks I have ADD. I believe she may be right. I have to focus on one main thing at a time, and the rest falls by the wayside.


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