Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Pictured above is my room at the Sully Mansion in the Garden District in New Orleans. The gracious hosts at the Sully Mansion made me welcome and more than comfortable during my stay.

I attended a lovely reception and later a wonderful dinner, both in honor of Susan Russell and her wife, Louise Brooks. Both events were held in homes in the Garden District, one of my favorite places in New Orleans. At the reception, I spent a good bit of time talking to our friend Ormonde and his lovely wife, Kay.

I'd adore to live in the Garden District, but I'd have to give up my husband, my home, and living near two of my children. A house in the Garden District is, to me, a pearl of great price, but, in the end, I'm not willing to pay the price. But I can dream. If my dream came true, I'd wish to have a house like the one pictured below.

I'd met Susan at GC09, but I met Louise for the first time last night. Usually, I'm very bad at remembering names, but I'll have no trouble with Louise's name, because she shares the name of the famous silent film actor. Louise joked that Louise, the actor, was her grandmother.

I told Susan that she was a rock star in the Episcopal Church, and she demurred. I don't know what Susan's voice is like, but she rocks, and that makes her a rock star to me. Anyway, I had a fine time in such sparkling and stimulating company. Once again, our hosts in both houses were welcoming and gracious.

Apropos of quite a thin connection, below is a YouTube video tribute to Louise Brooks, with Josephine Baker singing "Bye-bye Blackbird".

Tomorrow evening, I'll be back in New Orleans to hear Susan speak.



Thursday, November 4, 2010
7:15 p.m.

Trinity Episcopal Church
Bishop Polk Hall


  1. Sully Mansion looks like a gorgeous place to stay. Are you sure you couldn't kidnap Tom and just make him live in the Garden District?

  2. Mimi - we stayed in the French Quarter when we were NOLA last spring but we fell in love with the Garden District.

    And I've been in love with Susan and Louise ever since finding Susan's blog.

    Lucky ducky on two counts.

  3. Cathy, even if I kidnapped Tom, I'd have to keep him drugged to get him to stay.

    Susankay, when you go again, you may want to check out the B&Bs in the Garden District. You're only a short streetcar ride away from the Quarter.

  4. Lucky you, Mimi. I'm envious! Wish I could be there with you all.

  5. Whiteycat, I wish you could be there, too.

  6. Susan's talk was great. I'll write about it tomorrow.


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