Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Tobias Haller says:

Let the Introduction be the Covenant!

The Introduction reads well as a narrative of who we are as Anglicans.

Tobias posted the text of the Introduction to the Anglican Covenant. What do you think?

No, no! I'm not telling how much Tobias pays me for my cheerleading.


  1. Mimi,

    I see you posted on Bishop Alan's blog. You do get around!

    But delighted to join in the chorus.

  2. UKViewer, Bishop Alan and I are old friends of, at least, several months. In fact, we may be approaching or have passed a year.

  3. Thanks, Mimi. Just comparing the Intro to Section 4 is like night and day -- or day and night!

    wv = genderb
    How did they know?

  4. How much does Tobias pay you, Mimi? ...

  5. It's a brilliant stroke.

    Cheer on, Mimi - no matter how much, or how little, Tobias pays you. He's spot on.

  6. Cathy, Tobias pays me in kindness, as many of you do, by saying nice things about my wee scribblings.

    Elizabeth, as I read the introduction, I said to myself, "Yes, yes. This is who we are as Anglicans." Why didn't the Draft Committee stop right there with the introduction?


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