Wednesday, November 10, 2010


From Bishop Richard Chartres of the Diocese of London:

"Earlier today I met with the College of Bishops to discuss the way ahead. With immediate effect the Bishop of Edmonton has agreed to assume responsibility for the pastoral care of those clergy and parishes who before today related to the Bishop Fulham.

"In addition Bishop Peter will work on the constitution and other issues involved in establishing a Society both for those already identified as 'Fulham Clergy and Parishes' and for others, whatever their position on the churchmanship spectrum, who are loyal to the Church of England and share similar concerns about its theological direction alongside a commitment to growth in co-operation with the majority in the Church who support the consecration of women to the episcopate." (My emphasis)

The Church Mouse says:

Now that really is new. It begs a whole heap of questions. Since Forward in Faith and Reform have already announced their intentions to start up societies, we run the risk of having more societies for Anglicans opposed to women bishops than we actually have Anglicans opposed to women bishops.


Read the rest of Mouse's post, as he questions how the media could miss the really big story.

When Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams was so very busy meddling in the affairs of the Episcopal Church here in the US, telling our bishops how to be bishops, advising our representatives at General Convention how to vote, and warning us against giving consents to Bishop Mary Glasspool, I tried to warn him that he should be tending to his own garden, as I could see that the weeds grew up and threatened to get out of control. Alas, he did not pay attention. As we say here in south Louisiana, "Tant pis".

Thanks to Cathy for the link.


  1. That's the way it pisses? O_o (I don't speak French, as is obvious!)

  2. JCF, "so much the worse", or "too bad" as we used it about someone who had, at least in part, brought the trouble upon themselves. We often used a mixture of French and English, "Tant pis for you!"

  3. I can't keep up with these proliferating societies. These Anglicans opposed to women bishops sure do need a lot of propping up. (All three of them.)

  4. One of the delightful ironies, of course, is that there are two Bishops of Edmonton in the Anglican Communion. The Bishop of Edmonton (CofE, Suffragan of London) is always a bishop opposed to the ordination of women. The current and previous Bishop of Edmonton (diocesan, Canada) are women.

    (There are also duplicated Bishops of Rochester and Newcastle, but no similar ironies there.)

  5. Cathy, I'm lost, too.

    The Bishop of Edmonton (CofE, Suffragan of London) is always a bishop opposed to the ordination of women.

    Forever and ever, amen, Malcolm? Irony, indeed.

  6. I gather it's part of the political trade-off - of the several suffragans in the Diocese of London, the "no girl coties" crowd get some assurance that there will be "no girl cooties" suffragans. I'm not sure if Edmonton is the only one.

    Perhaps we should call the UK one edmonton (lower case e) to reflect its lesser status as compared to the real Diocese of Edmonton (upper case e).

  7. Malcolm, good idea about the lower case. I can think of a couple of dioceses here in the US that I'd like to make lower case.


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