Sunday, November 7, 2010


Click on the strip for the larger view.

From Jesus and Mo.


  1. This also would be very funny, except that it so very much isn't. Today's "Telegraph": Pope consecrates Barcelona's Sagrada Familia Church with strong defence of 'traditional family'.

    Also - same ceremony this - "POPE BENEDICT has denounced abortion and gay marriage, recently legalised in Spain, at a Mass to consecrate Barcelona’s Sagrada Familia church as a basilica in another criticism of what he called Spain’s “aggressive secularism”".

  2. Lapin, I don't think the strips are necessarily always ha-ha funny. Sometimes they bite.

    From the first of the links:

    "The generous and indissoluble love of a man and a woman is the effective context and foundation of human life in its gestation, birth, growth and natural end," he said in the first mass to be held before the main altar in the vast and as yet unfinished church.

    My question: why ain't the pope married?

  3. 'At the start of the visit on Saturday the Pope compared the "aggressive lay mentality, anticlericalism and secularisation" of modern Spain to that of the 1930s, when the church suffered a wave of violence and persecution as the country lurched from an unstable democracy to civil war.'

    The ****ing 1930s. Verily, it boggleth the mind.

    But after all, he was in Hitler Youth. And here I thought that shouldn't be held against him. But it turns out the child is the father to the man, even if they're both celibate, and what the hey?

    In closely related news, I'm surprised I missed the news about Bishop Benn:
    'Church of England cleric compares supporters of women bishops to Nazis'

  4. Porlock, one might say of the pope and the 1930s, "He should know!"

    I've neglected Bishop Benn, too.

  5. Considering the deep complicity of the Roman Church in the actions of Franco's fascists during the Civil War and the way it worked hand in glove with the Falangist régime for thirty more years, Ratzi should have the sense to keep his damned mouth shut. The blindness of the Roman hierarchy to the assorted beams in its collective eye continues to bugger belief.

    The interior of the newly-consecrated Sagrada Familia seems disappointing, relative to the promise of the unfinished shell I saw 50 years ago. Does the completed building faithfully follow Gaudi's plans? Counterlight around anywhere?


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