Tuesday, November 2, 2010


From the The New York Times:

The spokesman for the arch-conservative leader of Belgium's Roman Catholic Church has resigned after his boss defended priests accused of pedophilia and criticized AIDS patients.

Spokesman Juergen Mettepenningen told reporters that he "no longer can" work for Archbishop Andre Leonard.

Still, one wonders what took Mettepenningen so long, but better late than never. I expect that Archbishop Leonard's words were the last straw for a good many Roman Catholics in Belgium and around the world.

Thanks to Lapin for the link


  1. Juergen Mettepenningen: the Episcopal Church (European Diocese) Welcomes You!

  2. Nice one, Archbishop Leonard. Good effort there.

    You know that conspiracy theory where people believe world leaders, including church leaders, are actually gigantic lizards from outer space dressed in special suits to make them look human? I've often thought it has got quite a lot going in its favour, actually. It could explain a great deal.

  3. JCF, we take anyone, don't we?

    Yeah, Cathy, if the leaders are not lizards when they take office, then the lizard body snatchers take over.


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