Tuesday, November 2, 2010



  1. Just so everyone reports in.

    I haven't voted, yet, but I will. I promise.

  2. I voted, but it was an ordeal... story at my blog...

  3. Tobias, I read your account, which appears to be a waking nightmare for voters. Who designs these operations? I hope that my experience is better.

  4. I voted two weeks ago. Figured I'd better mention it or GM will leave coal in my stocking at Christmas.

  5. I voted. It was quick, easy and everybody was upbeat. Small towns make voting easy.

  6. Oh, and Maine let's people register on voting day.

  7. I voted. Since today was Food Pantry day at Canterbury and I did Altar Guild and Chalice duty for 12:30 Mass, it was after 1:30 p.m. CDT by the time I got there. The poll workers said that turn-out here has been heavy. (Tuscaloosa County, Alabama)

  8. BOTH of the people ahead of me (a white man, and a black woman) were told "you're not on our list." {Sigh}

    ...whereas Yours Truly, new to the area, went right in and did my civic duty/personal satisfaction.

  9. I am so depressed already. What is it with people? I want to move far away.

  10. The results are not sane in Louisiana nor in the rest of the country. I'm depressed, too.

  11. John Boehner will be Speaker of the House. Russ Feingold went down in Wisconsin, for crying out loud.

  12. I am unspeakably depressed. What is wrong with the people around us, now?

    I really wish there were some way to get to another country, to seek asylum. The only other option, I won't go into as you, Mimi, are a committed pacifist.

  13. Mark, I'm afraid I don't have the courage to be a committed pacifist, but I am committed to non-violence.

    Pacifists are active and do stuff like the School of the Americas Watch, whose members protest at Fort Benning.

  14. I just don't think non-violence is the way, if we don't just get out while we can.

    It's the ideal, yes, but ideal and real are not always compatible. It is ideal to have wild animals flourish in their natural environment; ideal, if they wander into human landscape, to remove them peacefully to their environment. However, if the wild animal is an immediate threat to human life . . .

    I use the comparison knowingly - I don't believe we're dealing with human thought, here, but animal panic and scrabbling for the most food. You might as well let chickens and sheep vote; given the complexity of the minds that have been abandoned to animal state, it would have less actual capacity for damage if we did let chickens and sheep vote.


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