Thursday, November 18, 2010


If you're not reading Pluralist's satirical pieces on the commentary surrounding the Daft Anglican Covenant, perhaps you should. The English folk who follow the discussion of the covenant will have an easier time of it, because they will recognize the similarity of the cast to real life people, whereas, since I am not English, I have more difficulty. The names have been changed, not to protect the innocent, but to protect Pluaralist from litigation. Therefore, if you comment, perhaps it's best not to name names. Below is an excerpt from his most recent offering titled Covenant On Midweek.

Virginia Lake: I am the Director of the Anglican Confrontation Organisation called Unity Faith and Order that operates under SHADO - the 'Secretive Hierarchical Anglican Doctrinal Organisation'. I operate underneath Lambeth Palace and Rowanov Treetri carries the operational name Commander Straker, as he is the 'Ed Bishop.

Melvin Blagg: Not very zecretive den.

Virginia Lake: Well everyone knows about it. The secret part, as with all Anglicanism, is in the actual rule book as opposed to the formal rule book; it's an acquired taste, what you find out after joining. It's part of the Sense Inference Detector, or SID.

Melvin Blagg: So what is du dispute about den?

Virginia Lake: To cut a lot of representational conversations short, the upshot is that Harold Wilson here wants the UFO to be renamed DMC; indeed he thinks John Sendmehome could Run DMC.

Melvin Blagg: DMC sdands for?

Virginia Lake: It would stand for...

Harold Wilson: Disunity, Mistrust and Chaos.

Another offering is titled Five Go Down - Chadderbox and is beyond wicked.


  1. Very witty, I'm sure, but I actually know Alyson, so I'm a bit allergic to this sort of thing when it's directed at someone I consider a friend.

  2. Tim, I consider a certain English bishop a virtual friend, as I consider you a virtual friend, and Pluralist skewers him, too. That's the way of satire. I did say Pluralist was wicked. :-)

  3. Tim,

    Unfortunately, elitism makes for targets we rough and ready colonials make little effort to resist.


  4. Alyson is a public figure and is fair game for satire, Tim. Whether you think her depiction is fair or not is a whole other thing.


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