Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Healine in the email from the Borowitz Report:

Wealthiest .0000001% Hail Tax Deal

Billionaires Praise Obama Move

Of course, they do! And in a trickle down sort of way, we will all be the better for the passage of the bill.

Read the rest over there. You won't be sorry.


  1. I think that at least Buffet and maybe even Gates had signed that "Tax me, I can afford it" petition. I'm sure I had read about that somewhere not long ago.

  2. Susan, I believe both men signed the petition. Borowitz's posts are satire.

  3. Yes, I know! It's just not funny at this time. Now, If he had said something like "Obama shoots self in foot, yet again" I would have laughed. Of course that probably isn't satire. The fact that he is pissed that we are pissed is unbelievable. I still want to see the list of things he did do that he was talking about in his news conference!

  4. I am sorry that Borowitz used Buffet and Gates in his satire -- Donald Trump or some other buffoon - but those two have been active for fair taxation and giving away wealth.

  5. Yes, Ann. See, Mimi? I'm not the only one! ;-)

  6. Whatever. Y'all win. I thought it was funny.

  7. I think it's funny too!!

    “But when our butlers read the plan aloud to us during the cocktail hour, we were incredibly stoked.”

    He he he he!!! (That's what I need, a butler to bring me cocktails.)

    “Our cost of living has soared astronomically, especially when you consider how expensive it’s gotten to control the outcome of elections.”

    Hee hee hee!


  8. Cathy, you're damned dear hysterical. But that's OK! I'm glad I'm not alone in my appreciation of Borowitz's wit. I'd venture to say that Borowitz chose Buffet and Gates BECAUSE they signed the petition. He KNEW.

  9. My tax-payer CUNY funded butler was not amused when he read the news to me in the faculty lounge at cocktail hour.

    (In case anyone was wondering, I'm speaking with tongue in cheek.)

  10. (In case anyone was wondering, I'm speaking with tongue in cheek.)

    Professor Counterlight, you can't think that I believe you're speaking tongue-in-cheek. You professors, with your seemingly everlasting sabbaticals, don't fool me for one minute.

  11. I SOOO need a butler. And a drink. And Thurston Howell! The guy from Gilligan's Island! Funny article, Mimi.

  12. Penny, I have a Butler named Tom, but he won't bring me drinks and read the news to me.

  13. Ha ha! Good one.

    I have a Tom, too. But he's not in any way a butler or a Butler, either.

  14. I have neither a Tom nor a butler, nor a Butler.

    I'm depressed now.

  15. Cheer up, Cathy. I'm thinking of letting my Butler go, because he won't do his job properly.

  16. Ooo now, Mimi, your Butler must have some good points :-)

  17. Well, my Butler cooks and shops for groceries. There is that. Most butlers won't stoop to doing those chores. Maybe I should stick with my Butler.

  18. Yes - definitely - anyone who would shop I would keep. The only Tom we have is the cat -- and he is no longer a Tom -- so no Tom no Butler -- have to pour our own drinks - but we don't drink LOL

  19. Mimi, I think from what you've told me you have you some high-grade Butler.

  20. All right, Ann and Cathy, I'm convinced. I'll keep my Butler on.

  21. Michael says that he feels like my butler sometimes.


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