Thursday, December 23, 2010


Two intellectuals were at a nudist colony. They were talking, and one asked the other, "Have you read Marx?"

And the other replies, "Yes, it's the wicker chairs."
Don't blame me. Blame Bruce (aka Canon Itchy).


  1. And here it is nearly Christmas Eve.

  2. Oh, dear ...

    I am not sure Canon Itchy should not be sent to Siberia along with Paul.

  3. Amelia, I know, but what could I do? The joke passed my LOL test. I blame Canon Itchy.

  4. I must admit I also LOL'd. But still....

  5. Cathy, Siberia will get crowded. I suppose that's a good thing, as the exiles will be close together and stay warmer.

    Amelia, if you LOL'd....

  6. If enough are sent to Siberia, perhaps some climate change will take place there, too.

  7. Glad to hear someone's still reading Marx!

  8. Susan, that's true. Oh dear. Should we find an alternate location for banishment?

    Hey, Calliope. Yeah, there still be folks readin' Marx.

    I'm a sucker for a good (or a really bad) pun. I LOL each time I read the thang.

  9. Nietzche is peachy, but Sartre is harder.

  10. And Counterlight demonstrates that there are puns beyond really bad puns, puns in a category all their own.

  11. Send me anywhere where there is no snow. It's coming down again and there's too much "church" to do to let it impede movement. Thank God for the 4-wheel drive Subaru station wagon.
    Bruce/Canon Itchy

  12. Well, well, if it isn't the Canon himself. My heart goes out to all you folks deep in snow. A white Christmas is nice and all, but when there's too much of a good thing....

  13. I interrupt this program to tell you that my oyster casserole came out delicious. My mouth is watering for it already.

    I tasted a few of the oysters before I chopped them up to put them in the pot with the rest of the ingredients, and they were gooood.

  14. Sounds yummy, Mimi. I've never had oyster casserole actually. I bet it's good.

  15. Cathy, the recipe is for a dressing to stuff a turkey, but we are having prime rib and leg of lamb, instead of turkey. The dish is delicious even without the added taste which comes from being cooked inside the turkey. My family demands the dish for Thanksgiving and Christmas, no matter what meat we serve with it.

  16. Mimi, I suppose it's way too late to ask for a piccie of it? ...

    Weird how we went from nudist intellectuals to oyster casserole.


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