Wednesday, January 12, 2011


First from Mr CatOLick, whose video is a response to the Church of England video. You may or may not want to watch the CofE video first.

From the Church of England:

H/T to Lesley at Lesley's Blog.


  1. I watched the CoE one until I fell asleep. Mr. Catolick - yes!! but did want to red pencil the spelling and punctuation (was a 4th grade teacher in previous life)

  2. Yes, I agree with Ann on all points. The most frustrating thing about the CofE one aside from the many numbers, statistics, etc., is the fact that much of the information imparted is unreadable and moves too fast to make sense of. . . Hmm. . Maybe that was the idea. . .

    Thanks, Mimi!

  3. Ann, seconding susan s., ditto to both your points. I was a second grade teacher in a previous life.

    Having said that, I freely admit that I make my share of mistakes, and I'm particularly fortunate to have watchdogs who correct my mistakes, especially you and Ms Editor, Cathy, for your generous attention. And there's not a trace of irony in what I say. I'm truly grateful.

    susan s., I agree with you that I was, too often, not quick enough to read the words before they disappeared.

    The CofE video is perfect for those insomniac nights....

  4. well[ all I kan say is I'm glad u all enjoyed my offering. not bad for a cat lol,

    Mr catolick.

  5. Oh wow -- are visit from THE Cat. Thanks Mr. C -- love your video -- not bad for a cat -- for sure.

  6. Mr CatOLick, excellent for a cat. You're almost as good as the cockroach Archy, who always wrote in lower case, because he

    would climb up onto the typewriter and hurl himself at the keys, laboriously typing out stories of the daily challenges and travails of a cockroach. Archy's best friend was an alley cat named "Mehitabel," and the two of them shared a series of day-to-day adventures that made satiric commentary on daily life in the city during the 1910s and 1920s.

    Thanks for visiting and raising the tone of my blog.

  7. PS to Mr CatOLick: Forgive me for not linking to your website in my post, a blunder which I have now corrected.

  8. Whoever made this video (and probably charged a lot for doing it) is pretty crap at it. The text in many of the shots is virtually unreadable. Basic graphic design rule, never place text over photographs, unless it is clearly visible, which this is not. Rip off!

    Like the ever-repeating music. Cheap way to make it last the whole length without paying lengthy royalties! Think I might record it as a means to get to sleep at night!

    Finally, I gave up following the video after about one minute, it's so boring!

  9. Graham, your commentary is spot on. And yes, no doubt the powers paid big money for the video.

  10. Church of England video: Zzzzzzzz...

    Mr. CatOLick: YAY! (Cat's are not held responsible for spelling - just lapping milk off their pawz).

    Have you not read "I Can Has Cheezburger?"

  11. Oh Mimi I absolutely ADORE Archy and Mehitabel!!! I've got two Archy books in me bedroom where I keep all my favourite books - Archy & Mehitabel, and Archy's Life of Mehitabel. They're fabulous.

  12. Cathy, I adore the fabulous pair, too. I should have given credit for the quote to Wikipedia.

  13. In the CofE video I kept having to go back and read in disbelief --not a "membership" church....

    Huh.... and I thought that is what the so-called covenant was all about --first tier membership....

    Thank you mr CatOLick for a charming snark!

  14. margaret, you get points for staying awake and paying attention. And you cans readz fast.

  15. Can anything good come out of the Archbishops' Council?

    [noises off - Aaaaaaggghhhh!]

  16. Ostrich, in answer to your question, I doubt it.


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