Wednesday, January 12, 2011


In 2008, I had the great pleasure of visiting the ruins of Rievaulx Abbey in the company of MadPriest and Mrs MadPriest, and a lovely visit it was, both for the pleasure of their company and for the lovely walk through the beautiful ruins. As I said in my post:
What a holy place. I could sense the presence of many saints from the past who prayed there, and the prayers seemed to linger in the abbey. I thought of our blog friend Prior Aelred of St. Gregory's Abbey, because his namesake was abbot of Rievaulx Abbey.

And Happy Feast Day to Prior Aelred!
Collect of the Day: Aelred, Abbot of Rievaulx, 1167

Pour into our hearts, O God, the Holy Spirit's gift of love, that we, clasping each the other's hand, may share the joy of friendship, human and divine, and with your servant Aelred draw many to your community of love; through Jesus Christ the Righteous, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Rievaulx Abbey - my photo

Image at the head of the post from The Daily Office.


  1. Lovely photo, Mimi. I've not been there to see the Abbey - now I want to go.

  2. Cathy, you should go. Ask MadPriest to take you there.

  3. I celebrated a Eucharist for Healing this evening using the Proper of St Aelred.

  4. Thanks for remembering Our Good Prior, Mimi.

    Since I moved from Michigan (where I saw him 1-2 times/month) to California last June, I miss him so! :-(

  5. I love Rievaulx. Unfortunately, all my amazing photos are on transparencies (film) and I need to digitize to share. Amazes me that you can just clamber all over the stones of the ruins of those abbeys. I used to play a lot in the darkroom and have some amazing photos from a tour of the yorkshire abbeys!

  6. Paul, I wish I could have been at your Eucharist for healing.

    JCF, Our Good Prior is a lovely man. I'm sure you miss him.

    IT, little by little, a small batch at a time, I'm having my old negatives put on disks so I can upload them to my computer.

    I was surprised, too, that there were no fences at Rievaulx. Kirstall Abbey in Leeds was fenced off.


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