Thursday, January 27, 2011


This one is for Grandpère.

PS: Oh my goodness! I forgot to say thanks to Ann. I'm still laughing at the cartoon.

UPDATE: From xkcd.


  1. Well, but that is important ;-)

    wv - sizemp


  2. Michael feels the same way as Grandpere.
    My office is attached to the bedroom, and Michael likes to go to bed early, so that puts a clear limit to my evening internet time.

  3. Well, but that is important ;-)

    Cathy, and that someone MUST be corrected by me, and only me.

    Counterlight, with GP, it's more about meals, which he cooks, and having his turn on the computer.

  4. Grudgingly, Elizabeth. I have a laptop, which GP does not know how to use, but it's not the same as my desktop with all my stuff.

  5. Wrong and MEAN. I can't seem to let go of those....

  6. Comments are as good as the drawing.

  7. Doxy of the bulldog grip. :-) I know. I have it, too.

    Caminante, it's been a lovely day for comments.

  8. This cartoon is so ME, it's frightening! :-X

  9. is worth following on a regular basis. I sometimes forget that it's not widely known in the non-geek world. In fact, there are comment threads in which you're almost as likely to encounter xkcd as Monty Python. There's glory for you.

  10. Ah! It's that day in the month again is it?
    Go on, woman, you know you enjoy it and I understand it adds years to your life at your age :-)

  11. Me, too, JCF - rather eerie, in fact. This was precisely Jim's view, at times, of my cyberlife. OTOH, it did (does) seem (is) important (especially compared to the alternative of spending an entire evening watching Law and Order reruns on tv with him). Someone(s) have got to give voice to dissenting or different views, not to mention making sure that others have "just the facts ma'am." Mimi, your seemingly tireless voice is among the best, as well as your keen ear and eye for others, which you pass on to us. Keep it coming (as well as giving grandpere his much deserved hugs).

  12. JCF, I showed the cartoon to GP, and he agrees it's me, and it's you and Klady, too, so so it must be a kind of universal for those of us who are caught up in the blog world.

    Porlock, thanks. I didn't know where the cartoon came from. I added the credit.

    MadPriest, I guess you hadn't heard. I'm 76 years old. I don't have days of the month any longer.

    As for blogging, I do enjoy it, or I'd quit. I hope the years it adds to my life are good years.

    Klady, thank you for your very kind words. I'm pretty much off tee vee for the moment, and I'm probably healthier for having a place to vent and to set the world to rights. (LOL!) At the very least, it takes pressure off GP from having to listen to my harangues.

  13. MadPriest, I guess you hadn't heard. I'm 76 years old. I don't have days of the month any longer.

    I'm not on about the blob, silly.

  14. The blob? That's one I've never heard. Surely a britishism that I could have done without knowing.

    All right. I get your drift now, MadPriest. I'm slowing down as I age - mentally and in other ways.

    No! Dont' say it!

  15. I'm slowing down as I age

    Oh, yes, I remember you saying. It's once every six weeks now, isn't it?

    Oh, come on. You knew I would say it.

  16. I said no such thing. And I knew you would say it.

  17. For those unfamiliar with xkcd, if you go to the original post on and pause your cursor over the strip, you get an additional message.

    wv = ovent
    (a hot happening)

  18. Paul (A.), thanks for the info on the added message. Cool.

    Your visits to my humble blog are a hot happening, that's for sure.


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