Friday, January 28, 2011


Archbishop condemns murder of Ugandan gay human rights activist
Friday 28 January 2011

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, who is currently in Dublin for the Primates' meeting, has made the following statement regarding the murder of the gay human rights activist David Kato Kisulle in Uganda:

"The brutal murder of David Kato Kisule, a gay human rights activist, is profoundly shocking. Our prayers and deep sympathy go out for his family and friends - and for all who live in fear for their lives. Whatever the precise circumstances of his death, which have yet to be determined, we know that David Kato Kisule lived under the threat of violence and death. No one should have to live in such fear because of the bigotry of others. Such violence has been consistently condemned by the Anglican Communion worldwide. This event also makes it all the more urgent for the British Government to secure the safety of LGBT asylum seekers in the UK. This is a moment to take very serious stock and to address those attitudes of mind which endanger the lives of men and women belonging to sexual minorities."
(My emphasis)

From the Anglican Communion Office.

Photo from Wikipedia.

Thanks to Lapin for the link.

UPDATE: Read Tobias Haller's post at In a Godward Direction. Shorter version: The archbishop's statement, "Such violence has been consistently condemned by the Anglican Communion worldwide, " ain't a lie, if you parse it just right.

Note: Tobias did not approve approves my shorter version of his post.


  1. Is it churlish of me to suggest that it may have helped if he had spoken this forcefully long ago?

  2. Paul, it's not at all churlish. The words are what many of us have been wanting for a long, long time.

  3. I wonder if he listened to what he said?

  4. susankay, the ABC is on record now. Perhaps if his words are quoted back to him enough....

  5. And lies while he does it:

    Such violence has been consistently condemned by the Anglican Communion worldwide.


  6. Doxy, that good can come from terrible tragedies, I have no doubt. I believe the murder of David Kato will be a defining moment for the Anglican Communion. It's sad, but still true: "Unless the grain of wheat fall to the ground and die...."

    The passage from Romans comes to mind also:

    We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.

    I believe those words with all my heart, even when I see the good ONLY through the eyes of faith.

  7. Yeah would have been one thing if it was the Grand Tufti taking a hit in the head with a hammer on behalf of LGBTs. Maybe I could get with the "good can come from bad" angle....

    If the ABC wanted to say something truthful, he should have said: "I bear partial responsibility for David Kato's death. I repent of my past silence and vow to hold myself and all my fellow bishops accountable for both things said and left unsaid." Then I'd believe he "gets" it.

    Of course, then I would fall over dead in shock, and he would have MY blood on his hands too.... lolsob

  8. Once again we see the truth of the statement that evil happens when good people say nothing. I have to believe that the ABC, pressured to
    keep the AC together at all costs, is
    feeling that he just can't do the right thing nohow. He is in a truly lose-lose situation. This time, the chickens have come home to roost for the ABC and his handlers!

  9. Doxy, I could not agree more that Rowan's words should have included a confession that the time to have spoken strongly about taking stock has long passed. My hope is that now Rowan "gets it", and I believe he does, but we'll have to wait and see.

    Feel free to vent in spite of my pious words above, which are, nevertheless, true, but they are not an indication that I will keep my mouth shut. "lolsob"

    Gotcha, Göran.

    Once again we see the truth of the statement that evil happens when good people say nothing.

    Nij, yes, yes, yes. See Óscar Romero and Roy Bourgeois on my sidebar.

  10. Wot Doxy Said.

    Or, the unofficial enabling of the violence, totally overwhelms the official condemning of it. >:-/

  11. Mimi, I'm not sure how to say imprimatur in the past (or pluperfect?) tense, but you have my approval!

    wv = spiten, as in "just that mad"! Rowan, wake up and smell reality!

  12. Tobias, thanks. I'll adjust my update.


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