Wednesday, January 19, 2011


From the Arkansas Times:
Carolyn Wagner, the feisty Fayetteville mother whose struggle to stop gay and lesbian bullying in schools resulted in a landmark legal agreement, has died in Tulsa after a long struggle with cancer, liver failure and hepatitis she acquired through a blood transfusion.

Wagner filed a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights of the United States Department of Education in 1997, saying that her son William had endured years of homophobic harassment and bullying while a student in the Fayetteville School District, resulting in a broken nose and other injuries. Wagner and her son claimed school officials and teachers turned a blind eye to the abuse. In 1998, the OCR reached an agreement with Fayetteville School District which forced both OCR and the school district to recognize the harassment of gays and lesbians as falling under Title IX, which prohibits sexual harassment and discrimination. It was the first case in which Title IX was deemed to cover gay and lesbian bullying.

Wagner's victory in her struggle to protect her son is considered a milestone in the gay and lesbian community — so much so that it has been immortalized in song.

Thanks to Dave Adkins (Arkansas Hillbilly) for the link. Dave has a new blog called Hillbilly Cooking.


  1. What a beautiful and courageous woman. God had her in mind when he created mothers.

    "There's always a non-violent way to fight back.
    ...and sometimes it just takes a mom."

  2. Jerry, Carolyn is a lovely lady. Thanks for the quote. Who said it?

  3. May she rest in peace, and rise in glory. Holy Carolyn, pray for us.

    [I shudder ask: please tell me word of her passing has not been noted in a house-cult in Topeka?]

  4. Why is it always the good one who die?

  5. Mimi, I don't know where that quote came from. It was posted at the youtube site where I found the ballad. I'll see if I can find out.

    There's always a non-violent way to fight back.
    ...and sometimes it just takes a mom.
    Based on the true story of William Wagner & Carolyn Wagner.

    So far, this is all I can find. The song's words and music were written by Steve Schalchlin, but that quote isn't part of the song.

    I'll let you know if I find out. It's a beautiful quote!

  7. Why is it always the good one who die?

    Cathy, I don't have the answer.

    Jerry, good enough. Thanks for looking.

  8. That's sad to hear. I'm a few months late. But she has clearly done some great work in areas that are very close to my own heart. May her work live on in others and what she was fighting for will certainly continue to be fought for.

  9. Carolyn, you have the same name....


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